Going Underground - Tunnel Fighting
Those of you who have played Warhammer Quest will remember the fun of exploring dungeons and encountering all manner of evil creatures in the depths. You can also play Storm of Chaos Aftermath games in dungeons using the following rules. These rules are applicable to any underground or interior location including the Uricsberg tunnels, city sewers, catacombs or even the interior of a great castle.
Fighting in Tunnels
For the most part fighting skirmishes in the confines of tunnels follow the
normal rules for fighting in city streets. There are however a few additional
restrictions on movement:
- Large Creatures. Any models defined as a 'Large Target' (eg. Ogres, Trolls or mounted models) can move and run normally in rooms and halls but are restricted to half movement in tunnels as they have to stoop. Treat tunnels as difficult terrain for them.
- Flying. Flyers may fly only in rooms and caverns where there is more height. In tunnels they must walk or if there is no normal move characteristic corresponding to walking then half movement.
- Blocking Tunnels. Space in tunnels is limited, for a model to pass by another there must be a gap equal to the width of the passing models base. This is especially important to prevent models charging around the back of an enemy who is blocking a passage. In three-dimensional terrain it is easy enough to obey but care should be taken when playing on two-dimensional tiles.
- Narrow Passages. On occasions the corridors will be as narrow as 1". These are often the secret passages linking other locations. As they are so narrow only models with 20mm or 25mm wide bases will be able to creep along them. Treat narrow passages as difficult terrain. Any models defined as a 'Large Target' (eg. Ogres, Trolls or mounted models) will not be able to enter a narrow passage at all. For Large models treat narrow passages as impassable terrain.
Underground Terrain
There are several ways of simulating tunnels and catacombs in which to fight.
The simplest is a tile system similar to that used by Warhammer Quest. If you
have access to that game you can lay out a dungeon by taking turns to place a
tile which links onto a previous one. If you don't have the Quest tiles then
they can be simply reproduced.
For a regular dungeon player (and it can become addictive) then it is worth constructing a set of 'Foot Tiles'. Each player builds 8 tiles 1 ft square (hence the name) which can be laid out to fill a 4' x 4' table in a variety of ways. The tiles are made to standard dimensions and are hence compatible whoever builds them. The simplest can be painted onto a flat piece of card or board such as cork floor tiles. Keener modellers can go to town with fully modelled 3D scenic modules and as much detail as they care to add.
Further instructions for making underground terrain can be found in the terrain section.
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